Our Vision
Encounter Jesus. Experience Family. Embrace the Broken.

We are made to be in relationship with God. Our loving Heavenly Father sent his son, Jesus, so we could know him. This UP dimension of our lives helps us focus on what matters most. At Saint John’s we love to worship and celebrate who God is and what he’s doing in our lives.
Life is hard and we need support. God gives us a spiritual family to help us in times of need and to equip us to serve well. If we’re going to grow in faith, we need brothers and sisters who will love us and challenge us. This IN dimension of our lives helps us stop flying solo and realize how connected we really are.
the Broken
There are so many people hurting all around us, all the time. There are so many needs. God calls us to this OUT dimension of our lives to make a difference by serving and sharing our faith in Jesus’ name. We give of ourselves to the lost, the least, and the last. God has not forgotten you and we won’t either.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
-Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20
Worship Life
We’re saving a spot for you
Our Usual Worship Schedule
9:30am (Contemporary) and 11am (Traditional)
KidsChurch at 9:30am
Nursery care is available for kids Kindergarten and under at 9:30am
We celebrate Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) on the first and third Sundays.
All are welcome! Dress up or come casual. Just come!
Videos, Newsletters, Handouts
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
-Jesus in John 13:35
Life is Better Together
Jr. & Sr. High Youth
Men’s Breakfast
Tuesday Bible Study
Stephen Ministry
Music Groups
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
-Jesus in Mark 12:31
Serving Together
People’s Kitchen
& Food Pantry
Zozu Project
in Uganda
Recovery Groups
& More
Lots of ways to serve. What is God calling you to do?
to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ
-Paul in Ephesians 4:12
Meet the Team

Cal Wood
Songfest Director

Janice Goodwin
Music Coordinator

Shari Bowman
Choir & Bell Director

Dawn Russ

Lydia Wallace Children’s Ministry Intern

Matthew Harter Student Ministry Intern